Monday, March 27, 2006

lolz, first post.

Wow, first post in my new blog. I feel so... cliché? Nah, that's not it. Over exposed? Nope, not that, either. Oh, well, it'll come to me eventually.

So, I'll introduce myself. My name's Adam, if you couldn't already tell. I'm, as of March 27th, 2006, 18-years-old and then some. I live in an almost-suburb of Madison, WI. I like video games. RPGs, puzzles, simulations (not sports, though, ugh), arcade-styled sports games, and, of course, Dance Dance Revolution. I was playing that shit before it became a huge fad. Um, I also love music. All kinds, really. You name it, I probably like it. And if I haven't heard it, yet, I'll go and look it up and probably like it. Nifty, eh?

I'm a huge geek. In here, I'll probably review games, movies, local events and other spectacular things that entertain me. Hell, maybe some politcal comentary'll slip in somehow. I kinda doubt that, though.

Please note that I won't be posting much personal stuff. I've got an LJ for that stuff. That thing keeps me sane. This is for fun. Get it? Good.

Uh... I'll post again, soon, with... things. Madison's exciting, I swear! Just wait and see!

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